The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Causes of Acne and How to Avoid Them

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Causes of Acne and How to Avoid Them

Acne can be frustrating and embarrassing, no matter how old you are. Whether it's an occasional pimple or a severe case of cystic acne, its impact on self-esteem is undeniable. While we all want to have clear and smooth skin, acne can be stubborn, and finding the underlying causes can be challenging. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the primary causes of acne and give you tips on how to avoid them.

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Is Your Skin Purging or Reacting? How to Tell the Difference

Is Your Skin Purging or Reacting? How to Tell the Difference

When you start using a new skincare product, it's normal to experience some changes in your skin. Sometimes, though, those changes can be difficult to interpret. Is your skin purging or reacting? These two phenomena can look similar at first glance, but they have different causes and timelines. In this blog post, we'll discuss the differences between purging and reacting, how to tell which is happening to your skin, and what you can do about it.

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The Great Purge vs. the Terrible Breakout

The Great Purge vs. the Terrible Breakout

We’ve all been there: you start using a new skincare product and suddenly your skin is covered in pimples. You may be wondering, is this purging or is my skin breaking out?

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How Long Does Skin Purging Last?

How Long Does Skin Purging Last?

We’ve all been there. You start using a new skin care product and, suddenly, your skin is a disaster. Red, inflamed, covered in blemishes… it’s enough to make you want to crawl under a rock and never come out. But don’t despair! What you’re experiencing is called skin purging, and it’s actually a good sign that your new product is working. Here’s everything you need to know about skin purging—including how long it lasts.

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What is Skin Purging?

What is Skin Purging?

You know that feeling when you switch to a new skincare routine and your skin goes crazy?

Don't worry, you're not alone. Skin purging is a real phenomenon that happens when your skin starts to detoxify after switching to a new product or routine.

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Skincare Q&As

Skincare Q&As

Question:  I'm an active/outdoorsy person and always out in the sun but I do use sunscreen. What skincare would you recommend?

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Skincare Q&As

Skincare Q&As

Question: I have sensitive skin, in my 60s and am looking for something to help wrinkles and crows feet.

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Skincare Q&As

Skincare Q&As

Question: I am in my late 30s and am wanting to add more anti aging skin care products to my regime but have not had luck with other brands that have Retinols in them. What products would you suggest for me?

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Skincare Q&As

Skincare Q&As

Question: I am 45 and looking to start caring for my skin more.  I would like advice on an anti-aging routine for my face and what products you suggest. I have normal skin with occasional oil on my nose. I live in Florida where the humidity is very high. Thanks again for your help.

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