The 3 Worst Fall Foods For Your Skin

The 3 Worst Fall Foods For Your Skin

Don't let the fall season give you the blues!
There's nothing quite like the changing of the leaves and cooler weather to get you in the mood for some autumn fun. But don't let those pesky breakouts ruin your good time. Here are some of our favorite fall foods that help cause breakouts - avoid them at all costs!

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Can Milkshakes Really Give You Acne?

Can Milkshakes Really Give You Acne?

Let’s face it, we all love a good milkshake. They’re delicious, creamy, and come in a myriad of flavors. But could these frosty treats be the cause of our acne breakouts? Let’s investigate.

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Acne and Sodas - A Love Story

Acne and Sodas - A Love Story

Do you drink soda?

You might want to stop. Recent studies have shown a correlation between drinking sodas and developing acne. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually.

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Can Avocados Really Improve Your Skin?

Can Avocados Really Improve Your Skin?

Do you love avocados?
We sure do, and we’re not alone. Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins – all of which are great for your skin.

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Can Too Much Orange Juice Really Cause Acne?

Can Too Much Orange Juice Really Cause Acne?

Do you love orange juice?

Most people do, but did you know that drinking too much can actually help cause acne?

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Oh, You Glow Girl! 6 Super foods for Glowing Skin

Oh, You Glow Girl! 6 Super foods for Glowing Skin

You are what you eat, and that goes for your skin, too!
Eating the right foods is one of the best ways to keep your skin looking its best. Vasseur skincare has put together a list of the top 6 foods for beautiful skin.
Learn more about these foods and how they can help improve your complexion.

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A Greasy Truth: How Fried Foods Can Cause Acne

A Greasy Truth: How Fried Foods Can Cause Acne

You know that greasy, oily feeling you get after eating too many french fries?

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4 Teas That Are Good For Your Skin

4 Teas That Are Good For Your Skin

Tea has been around for centuries and is known for its many health benefits. Did you know that certain types of tea can also be good for your skin?

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Could Dairy Ruin Your Complexion?

Could Dairy Ruin Your Complexion?

Do you love cheese as much as we do?
We’re not sure if it’s the calcium or the delicious taste, but we just can’t get enough of dairy. However, new research suggests that all that dairy might be bad for our complexions. Click here to learn more about how eating and drinking dairy could be ruining your skin.

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