Skincare Q & A's

Skincare Q & A's

Question:  I am 47 years old and I don’t have deep wrinkles, mostly fine lines. I have some mild scaring around my chin and I have lines under my eyes. My skin is not as oily as it used to be but I would say its more oily than dry but I do occasionally get dry spots. I am interested in the Reveal 10, Idebenone, DMAE, which one should I try? Also, I have a vitamin c cream in what order should I put it with all the other stuff? Thank you for making such great products and thank you for your help!


Answer: You have picked such wonderful products, I am glad you are enjoying them. I would add the DMAE first out of the three products you have chosen based on what you already have. The DMAE fights against sagging muscles by promoting the production of acetylcholine, the chemical responsible for creating muscle tone. By triggering a response that tones the muscles, the result  is firmer, smoother skin with fewer wrinkles. ALA will help boost the effectiveness of the DMAE in addition to increasing the skin's metabolism causing the skin cells to take in more nutrients, remove waste and revitalize damaged skin components. This will help with redness and your pore size. Both ALA and DMAE are powerful antioxidant treatment creams that should be used together for best results and applied after cleansing before your moisture. A little goes a long way with these products so one pump should be enough to apply on the face/neck and another 1/2 a pump for décolleté. ALA should be applied first, wait a min and then apply DMAE.

This is how I would use the products you have.


Cleanse with either Foaming Cleanser or Olive Oil Cleanser

Apply Gold Serum around eyes



Your SPF or you could try our Day 25


Cleanse with either Foaming Cleanser or Olive Oil Cleanser

Apply Gold Serum around eyes

Mandelic Acid

Hyaluronic C Serum

Night Cream


If you are in the San Diego area and would like to learn more about our services or book an appointment today, click here. If you are new to Vasseur Skincare or needed help choosing the right skincare, click here. If you would like to talk with one of our Vasseur team members for a free consultation, click here and we will get back with you as soon as we can (please allow 1-3 business days for a response).

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