Ever Wonder How Models Get Glowing Skin?

Ever Wonder How Models Get Glowing Skin?

Would you go months without working out and expect to be in your best shape? Would you gorge on junk food and expect to feel good and healthy? This is also true for achieving beautiful skin. If you don’t maintain it with diligent care, it’s not going to look it’s best. Facials are one of the best ways to achieve a flawless, glowing complexion. Don’t believe me? Well, just ask a Victoria’s Secret Model:

Facials were a big topic of conversation backstage at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Like big, big. All the Angels are huge on facials. I heard a bunch of the models discussing how important their monthly facials are. And for the record, their skin is perfectly dewy without being oily.” -Blogger Lauryn from ‘The Skinny Confidential’ covering the 2015 Victoria’s Secret fashion show Facials are often neglected or thought of as an indulgence- something for only a birthday or special occasion. One of the main reasons for this is because of the cost. But ask yourself this – what DO you spend money on? Is it better to have cute shoes that you wear once in a blue moon or beautiful, flawless skin – that you get to wear every single day?! 

Nothing about you is more visible than your face- and every single person you come in contact with looks at your skin. You can try to cover it up – but even with foundation you can still see the texture and imperfections hiding underneath. Nothing feels better than the confidence of having clear skin. And you can finally stop your hunt for the perfect foundation – because the best foundation in the world is naturally beautiful skin!

Due to cost and convenience reasons I started doing most of my beauty rituals at home – I do my own hair color + cut, nails and even eyelash extensions – but the one thing I will never, ever give up is my facials.

Here’s exactly how a professional facial benefits your skin:

  • Expertise:  Through exfoliation, deep-cleansing of the pores, stimulating improved circulation, and use of professional-strength products and equipment, your esthetician can make a lot of progress towards improving your skin in a single session. Much like a personal trainer, she has experience, techniques, products and equipment that cannot be replicated at home.
  • Deep and Thorough Cleaning: There are over 20,000 pores on your face alone- these pores are being bombarded with dirt and grime from not one, but two directions. Since your skin is an eliminating organ, toxins from sweat purge from the skin and linger there and external debris (dirt, pollution, bacteria from your hands) also get trapped and lodged into your pores. Not only does this contribute to dull looking, sallow complexion, for those who are acne prone, this bacteria lingering in your skin is the feeding ground for pimples. This is where a facial comes in. Your esthetician will perform extractions to remove the lodged in dirt and grime from your skin. During a facial, the skin is prepped and softened using concentrated steam from distilled water. This breaks up the dirt making it easier to purge. At this point, it needs a little push in order to come out. If it is not pushed out, then some will slough off naturally, but the deepest, most lodged in dirt will remain- this is why extractions are necessary to truly clean the skin. Be careful – if extractions are not performed by a professional they can damage your skin and make the problem worse. Learn more about the benefits of extractions here: Extractions 101.
  • Guidance: Finding the right skin care products can be both confusing and expensive.  Getting a professional facial cuts down on that mystery and provides you with invaluable guidance. Your esthetician will analyze your skin and then customize the products they use during the facial according to your particular skin type and concerns. Without the training and knowledge of a licensed esthetician, it can be extremely difficult to find the right products for your skin.  Your esthetician will be able to recommend the right products for your skin type and in many cases will be able to provide you with samples to test first to ensure your skin agrees with them.
  • Stress Relief: The stress of our hectic daily lives shows up in our skin so taking an hour to relax and be pampered will help you out both physically and emotionally.  Massage is a big part of a professional facial.  It helps you to relax and reduces the stress hormone cortisol. If cortisol is left to run amuck in the body it will only hurt you over time, and additionally massage releases oxytocin, which is one of the body’s main “feel good” hormones.


If you are in the San Diego area and would like to learn more about our services or book an appointment today, click here. If you are new to Vasseur Skincare or needed help choosing the right skincare, click here. If you would like to talk with one of our Vasseur team members for a free consultation, click here and we will get back with you as soon as we can (please allow 1-3 business days for a response).

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